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At Barefoot Property Management, we provide an extensive array of lawn maintenance services, ensuring your lawn remains lush and lively all year round. Our expert team offers various lawncare services, such as fertilization, combating weeds, pest management, slit seeding, and applications of gypsum and lime. Additionally, we offer core aeration among other services to guarantee your lawn's optimum health and growth.

Residential Landscaping



Complete balanced fertilization to promote healthy spring growth and color. Barricade Pre-Emergent Crab Grass Control (EPA Reg #10404-100) to stop crabgrass before it geminates for season long control. Speedzone Broad Leaf Weed Control (EPA Reg #2217-833) will be used on an as needed basis to control dandelion, clover and over 60 other broad leaf weeds.


Complete balanced fertilization with a 2nd treatment of Pre-M 0.86% Crabgrass Control. Surface insect control to help control cinch bugs, sod webworms, and many other surface damaging insects. Fleas, tick, and ants will also be controlled with this application but may need subsequent treatment. Broad leaf weeds will be treated on an as needed basis.


Granular, slow release balanced fertilization to help maintain your lawn through the hot summer months. Controlled Release Nitrogen with 3% Fe. and Speedzone Broadleaf Weed Control (EPA Reg #2217-833). Integrated pest management and insect control.

Optional: Grub Prevention
Allectus (EPA Reg #432-1417-9198)
Dylox (EPA Reg #432-1308)


Milorganite Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer, Speedzone Broadleaf Weed Control (EPA Reg #2217-833), Acclaim Extra Post-Emergent Crabgrass Control and Sedge Hammer Nutsedge Control (EPA Reg #81880-10163) will also be applied as needed. Integrated pest management/insect control.


Complete balanced fertilization with iron and micronutrients formulated to help your lawn recover from the stresses of the hot summer. Broad leaf weeds will be treated on an as need basis. Insecticide for subsurface insects such as grubs will be used on an as needed basis as well.


Brown Palletized Lime will be used. Limestone is a mineral made from calcium magnesium, and it helps prevent acidic soil from damaging your grass. It's essential to keep in mind that lime is not a fertilizer. Its main purpose is to neutralize the soil.



Healthy Grass in Garden City NY
Lawn Aeration Icon


Lawn aeration allows air, water, and vital nutrients to reach the root zone by relieving compacted soil and opening up the thatch layer. It also stimulates new grass growth, improves drainage, provides excellent preparation for overseeding, and increases the effectiveness of applied fertilizers and control products. Our lawn care specialists use only the highest quality seed when overseeding. This process is done from Labor Day through October.

Front Lawn
Gypsum Icon


Gypsum helps alleviate salt build-up in lawns from years of fertilization. Fertilizers, while essential, inherently have high levels of salt and after years of treatments, the high salt levels can cause lawns to stress more easily during heat and drought. Also, if you live on the shore and your lawn has been flooded or gets sea spray on it on a regular basis, you should also consider calling our turf pros to discuss a corrective gypsum treatment.

Lawn Mowers
Lawncare Icon


Many older yards were established with common type turf grasses not suited for the needs of today's homeowner. They're often more disease and insect prone, requiring more fertilizer and water. Slit seeding newer turf-grass varieties into an older lawn can help it better withstand insects, disease, drought, shady conditions, and heavy traffic. The investment in slit seeding pays off by reducing the amount of fertilizer, water, and pesticides required.

Wet Grass

Get Your Free Estimate Today!

We pride ourselves on providing Long Island with the highest quality services at affordable prices. For beautiful grass, lawn aeration, gypsum application, overseeding, and the best lawn care on Long Island, call our green lawn care specialists today!

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